Tuesday 5 February 2013

Research and Planning- Analysis of Ravenface's typography.

This is Ravenface's existing typography. The overall font height is made up of capital letters. The arms on the letter 'E' is of all the same length and there are no sharp strokes on the 'N'. This creates an overall simple font which is quite different from the conventions of a metal band's typography because usually they have a Gothic font. However this font creates a very bold and strong feel which is very typical within the metal conventions as the music overall is very powerful. The white colour of the font is contrasted against the black background. These colours are very common for this genre as they are simple but dark. What makes the typography interesting is the way that the letters fade in some areas. This can meet some of the codes and conventions of the metal genre as it could connote old, weathered and decaying objects. This meets the conventions of a Gothic font as Gothic is associated with older things.

Looking at Ravenface's typography has been useful as it gives me an idea of the type of font that we should look at for our album cover design.

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