Saturday 1 December 2012

Research and Planning- Filmining Log.

Date:- Saturday 1st December
Location- Holiday Woods Windsor.

Today we filmed more footage for our narrative aspect of our music video. This went really well and we shall upload the footage on Monday and put it into place.

The lighting today was much better than it had been in the previous shoot as there was a lot more sun. This meant the camera could pick up more detail. The brighter lighting will not affect the mood of our video as in the editing stage we are darkening all shots to create a much darker mood. This also means that when we darken the clips they won’t be out of focus and grainy.  This also creates a problem as this lighting from our new clips will not match the lighting of our old clips. To fix this we have thought about the possibility of converting all the wood scene into either black and white or sepia. This would help mask the differences in lighting and can also link to the overall narrative of the past or an apocalypse theme.

We have changed an element of our narrative by adding objects that hint to a past life, keeping in context to our apocalypse feel. These objects include a child's teddy bear, and photograph and a pocket watch. We filmed these objects in the location with our actors running past them. I have also taken photographs of these objects and am going to edit them and try to incorporate them into our ancillary piece.
Here are some of the un-edited photos:-

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